Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Amazon AWS event in Bangalore

There was a huge turnout at the Amazon's AWS event in Bangalore. About 750 people turned out for the event and the buzz was great.
The talk from the CTO was similar to the one he gave in Google Atmosphere talk.  Even after all the talks about how cloud computing it is changing everything it is still mind boggling to see the rate at which things are scaring. One figure he mentioned that Amazon has reduced the prices 6 times in the past year takes a while to get used to. The India market seems to be very important to Amazon. Given the latent demand from SMB's who do not have a significant Web presence yet Amazon seems to be right on the money. There are concerns of latency given that the closest Amazon center is out of Singapore but that in itself should not be a show stopper.
The user talks from CTO and the TataSky were a bit disappointing. While the use cases they mentioned were good their deployments are very small scale with 25 servers at redbus and 50 from TataSky. No what you would call 'cloudscale' deployments.