Monday, November 8, 2010

New Browser in the fray

RockMelt is a new browser that has Marc Andreeson on it's board of directors. It is a first of a kind because it requires a facebook account to gain access to the browser. From the Video it looks to be highly focussed on social networking.From a study by Nielsen from January 2009 the usage is up 82%. Given the exponential rate of growth I wonder what the numbers are by now? As per the study users are spending about 6 hours per month on these sites. If a study were conducted now I would think you would find it at about 6 hours per day.
The internet has evolved from a place to find information to a place where you connect and do things with the people you know. For a lot of the new generation users Facebook and Twitter are the internet and I doubt if they see a difference between social networking on the Internet and real world (what's that?) social networking. While the early days of the internet was all about being anonymous and having an alternate persona the current generation of users see no necessity in hiding things. Probably because it has always been there for them so the trust quotient is higher.
Have to see how it pans out and if they can do better than Flock  that has been around for about 5 years now. I have signed away all my Facebook privileges to get access to the beta so let's wait and see. Watch this space for more.

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